Saturday, 22 October 2011

Local preacing and contemporary culture teaching session -Bibliography


In today's teaching session, I will mostly be using these books and loads of clips from youtube.

Friday, 21 October 2011



Where have you seen hope today?

Munchkin Pumpkin


I am delighted and amused by these at the local supermarket - munchkin pumpkins.


What would you do with yours?

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Wednesday, 19 October 2011



Thanks to all who made an odd idea an award winning reality.

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Thursday, 6 October 2011

To Follow. To Serve.

[First published on on 6th October]

Those first young people. The pioneers.

The apostles.

Building super highways in an unknown sky.

Leaving partners and children in their snug homes with a kiss and a
promise to return.

Roaring into the clouds to battle wind and stars.

Their safety systems built of brain

and heart.

They landed where there were no lights.

Transforming strange names from tall tales into pictures on postcards

And those next people who travelled further, faster, higher than any in

And the ones after them travelling further than anyone in history

Who skimmed the edge of space

Skimmed the edge of heaven

Of dreams

And we follow them up there.

To live by an unbreakable promise

To same four word stitched into every uniform, of every disciple who
follows their call.

To follow. To serve.